Friday, September 28, 2012

Story from the heart


      Dear blog,
                Hati nie kalaw tak tenang..kalaw tak tenteram... Adakah pemberi satu tanda? HUmm ntah la..tak tahu la pulak... Hanya berharap itu semua hanya mainan semata-mata. Serius bila satu perasaan cam nie datang... Memang tak selesa..If la kalaw kita ada sixth sense...boleh dpt taw apa yang akan terjadi masa depan..Subahanaallah...Memang satu anugerah. Tapi sebagai manusia biasa.... Memang semua tu terbatas...huhuhu

              Alhamdullilah tak lama lagi akan ada presentation tuk FYP.. Wah soooooo nervous jg nie... Harap dpt buat yg terbaik. But at the same time.. Saya rindu mama n abah.. So I must be a superb girl! I must be strong coz I have a big responsibilities right now. Just wondering if my parents is in front of me right now! your dream la azie....

               Last night I had call my mama (but then mama not answer n she call me back). Did can I say that I call my mama?? haha..whatever.. So, I just wanna to teasing her that I may not back to Kuantan for next sem break holiday... Then guess what happen ~~~~ huhu.. Suddenly the environment become silent... Oh no.. Then i'ts make me feel more serba salah pulak... Don't worry mama... I will back..Insyaallah... Restu mama n abah sgt penting tuk akak taw.. Setiap hari akan sentiasa doakan mama n abah.. Setiap hari tu juga lah akak rindukan mama n abah,,, ~ ~

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Best.. ^ ^


        Dear my blog,
                Wanna to share a story about the best class ever I had attend...Hahaha.. What happen with you azie? nothing..just want to share and typing something..Ok la..This class is English in the Media. I see..if you write about english class..So u will write in English la? hohohoho... (Silent)~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Why I'm say this class is the best. Coz the teachers is fun and different with other.. in term what? Different, where we can feel the comfortable point in the class. No stress and just laugh,,Hahaha.. For me this class is the best for this sem and time for release something that we call STRESS but for core subject...I thought petroleum is the best.huhuhu.. So how about the other subject? Later I will share it again..

         Ok one more story I want to share. Today I went to one of conference that held in UNIMAS which is about natural resources.. (if I'm not mistaken). With hope that I will get some information for my final year project. Insyaallah later will be story about my FYP pulak..huhuhu.. For your information, this is my first time went to conference...Sedikit teruja gitu,,huhu.. Teruja juga bila tengok lecturer sndiri present pasal research mereka. Saya paling kagum sekali tahap konfiden mereka pabila bercerita..Fantastic.. If I can be like them,, Insyaallah you can do it too azie!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1 go..Many come ^^


 Dear my blog,
                Finaly, today is that day. why? kebenaran telah di ketahui. Agak sedih sebenarnya bila kita berkawan dengan somebody tu da lama gilerz..tiba2 unfriend. Humm baik tak payah kawan dari dulu kalaw akhirnya macam ini. Seriously memang sedih. Saya sayang sume kawan2 saya, tapi bila da jadi macam ini tak tahu nak cakap macam mana.

               It's ok azie! cuba fikir dari sudut positif pula. At least tak perlu rasa bersalah kalaw tak tegur dia lagi pas nie kan. Great! hahaha.. Tak rugi pun kalaw kau hilang sorang kawan. Mungkin inilah hikmah peristiwa ini. Sorang pergi tapi RAMAI yang datang. That's true.. walau saya hilang sorang kawan tak bermakna kawan saya makin sedikit. Alhamdulillah I have many new friends around me.

to you even you are not read this... Thank you for to be my friend until..Oh I dont know..So whatever la asalkan u bahagia dunia n akhirat...see ya!

Humm bila geram macam nie... ini lah ceritanya...tapi saya bukanlah manusia yang terlalu kejam untuk mengaibkan sesiapa. Cukuplah tuhan, saya dan dia jer yg tahu siapa dia... Anyone yang pernah ada experience macam nie mayb tahu perasaan tu macam mana..

I thought this is my annoying post.. hopefully I did not write like this post again after this...

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


  Dear my blog,
             Just now  I have read and still read one blog that make me realizing something. Ajal maut , jodoh and our life is ketentuan tuhan. Hidup kita akan berkat bila mendapat redha ibu kita..n keredhaan tuhan. Yup it's really important for us before we go the next world or the other words in malay 'meninggal dunia'. Before this, selalu juga kawan2 FB post artikel pasal upload gambar dlm Fb then apa yg akan terjadi kalaw lepas kita tiada lagi kat dunia sementara nie. Lebih2 lagi gmbar yg mendedahkan aurat. Of course I had thought about that before this tapi saya tak nak komen banyak sgt pasal tu. Just think it by yourself.

            Maybe I should make a note about  all my Fb, twitter, and blog account password and email. With hope that if I pass away earlier than my family, they will know and can manage all my account properly. But before that, I have a wish that I can be their greatest daughter dunia n akhirat. Saya nak balas semua jasa mereka berdua and mereka sangat berharap nak tengok saya berjaya kan. huhu.. Insyaallah I will proving to them.


p/s: post dikarang di sarawak.. ^ ^  

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hi Blog!!


   dear my blog,
          Lama sangat tak menaip kat blog sendiri nie.Bnyak story sebenarnya yang terperap kat lam peti. Bila QC da pass nanti br kita release k..haha..

        Yup saya da abis praktikal ari tu..Sebelum raya ari tu..huhu.. All the moments and experienced that I had gained will be remained in my heart. Its really precious to me.huhuhu,,Nak nangis da...

        Tak nak citer panjang2 sal praktikal tu..cerita terbaru sekarang,,RAYA.. Raya ku tahun nie sangat meriah. Alhamdullilah merasa nikmat sambut lebaran tahun nie. Mengikut giliran tahunan, tahun nie giliran abah pulak, Secara automatiknya, Kami sekeluarga beraya di Jengka, Pahang. Paling meriah la tu sebabnya semua makcik2 and pakcik2 balik beraya. Fuhh memang riuh la umah dengan suara budak2.. Plus adik beradik belah ayah nie memang ramai..

Keluarga Besar....
        Tahun nie juga.. banyak jemputan rumah terbuka kawan2..Memang semua jemputan cuba untuk dipenuhi..Alhamdullilah buat masa sekarang tak pernah tak pergi open house taw. hehe.. Pastu tak lama ag da nak blik Sarawak. Insyaallah akan cuba utk habiskan sume story sblum blik Sarawak. Harus sebab nak bukak cerita baru lak..   ^ ^