Dear my blog,
Wanna to share a story about the best class ever I had attend...Hahaha.. What happen with you azie? nothing..just want to share and typing something..Ok la..This class is English in the Media. I see..if you write about english class..So u will write in English la? hohohoho... (Silent)~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Why I'm say this class is the best. Coz the teachers is fun and different with other.. in term what? Different, where we can feel the comfortable point in the class. No stress and just laugh,,Hahaha.. For me this class is the best for this sem and time for release something that we call STRESS but for core subject...I thought petroleum is the best.huhuhu.. So how about the other subject? Later I will share it again..
Ok one more story I want to share. Today I went to one of conference that held in UNIMAS which is about natural resources.. (if I'm not mistaken). With hope that I will get some information for my final year project. Insyaallah later will be story about my FYP pulak..huhuhu.. For your information, this is my first time went to conference...Sedikit teruja gitu,,huhu.. Teruja juga bila tengok lecturer sndiri present pasal research mereka. Saya paling kagum sekali tahap konfiden mereka pabila bercerita..Fantastic.. If I can be like them,, Insyaallah you can do it too azie!
New Year?
1 month ago
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