Dear my blog,
Just now I have read and still read one blog that make me realizing something. Ajal maut , jodoh and our life is ketentuan tuhan. Hidup kita akan berkat bila mendapat redha ibu kita..n keredhaan tuhan. Yup it's really important for us before we go the next world or the other words in malay 'meninggal dunia'. Before this, selalu juga kawan2 FB post artikel pasal upload gambar dlm Fb then apa yg akan terjadi kalaw lepas kita tiada lagi kat dunia sementara nie. Lebih2 lagi gmbar yg mendedahkan aurat. Of course I had thought about that before this tapi saya tak nak komen banyak sgt pasal tu. Just think it by yourself.
Maybe I should make a note about all my Fb, twitter, and blog account password and email. With hope that if I pass away earlier than my family, they will know and can manage all my account properly. But before that, I have a wish that I can be their greatest daughter dunia n akhirat. Saya nak balas semua jasa mereka berdua and mereka sangat berharap nak tengok saya berjaya kan. huhu.. Insyaallah I will proving to them.
p/s: post dikarang di sarawak.. ^ ^
New Year?
1 month ago
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